Computer Art Exhibition by Aldo Spizzichino

The exhibition "Math <=> Art" featured the work of the late Aldo Spizzichino, a pioneer of computer art who produced images that illustrate the intersection of mathematics, computer science and art. A selection of his creations accompanied the 5th Heidelberg Laureate Forum (HLF) from September 23 to 28, 2017.
Aldo Spizzichino was born in 1941 in Tiglieto, Italy and received a degree in physics in Bologna. He was not only an astrophysicist, but also had a great interest in artistic work, devoting himself primarily to the field of graphic expression using a variety of visual media. Over the years, he created an extensive body of work with numerous paintings.
During his artistic career, he explored fractals and diffusion-limited aggregation, while exploring the representation of Pythagorean, Archimedean, and various exotic solids and surfaces. Often his paintings were created by combining or blending different elements, resulting in new and unique outcomes.
A central theme of Spizzichino's artistic work was the aesthetic translation of mathematical structures, preserving the emergence of natural forms or evoking abstract concepts: visual metaphors recognizable to the audience and captivating the viewer with their symbolism.
"Mathe <=> Art" September 23–28, 2017, Old University Heidelberg (Senate Hall).